Citizen science research published

Last year, we asked our Wild Pollinator Count network to contribute to some research conducted by colleagues in Germany, looking at why people participate in biodiversisty citizen science programs and what they gain from it.

The research has now been published in the British Ecological Society journal People and Nature. Survey respondents reported positive changes in all the target outcomes, including environmental behaviours and scientific interest and knowledge. The paper is open access, and you can read it here:

Biodiversity citizen science: Outcomes for the participating citizens

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this research – out of more than 60 different projects around the world, Wild Pollinator Count recorded the second highest number of respondents to the survey!

Counting pollinators (and other exciting things) in Pollinator Week

Our Spring Wild Pollinator Count coincides with Australian Pollinator Week.

This year, the Pollinator Week team are promoting our count as their featured event – thank you Pollinator Week! If you can’t get enough pollinators, don’t forget to check out their events page for what’s happening near you, or even add your own event.

Picture: Emma Croker

It’s spring! Almost time to count wild pollinators

If you’ve been waiting for a reason to get outside and enjoy spring, Wild Pollinator Count is on again soon!

The Spring 2020 count runs from 8-15 November. Anyone, anywhere in Australia, can contribute to the dataset – it only takes 10 minutes outside on a warm sunny day. Follow the simple instructions to conduct a count and submit your observations via our easy online form. Find out more details on our FAQ page. If you want to know a little more about our history and objectives, see this blog post (note: the post was written in 2016 and some date-specific information is unreliable).

Seeking your feedback for the Wild Pollinator Count

We’re keen to improve the Wild Pollinator Count by better understanding participants’ experiences and preferences.

Please let us know your thoughts by completing our short online survey.

It should take less than five minutes to complete.

The survey will remain open until our spring count period (12th to 19th of November 2017).


Final countdown!

We hope you’ve had fun counting pollinators this week. The cold snap across the south-east early in the week wasn’t ideal weather for pollinator spotting! But luckily, it warmed up again quickly, with ideal pollinator sampling conditions across most of the country for the rest of the week. We even got our first ever observation from the Northern Territory, despite the cyclonic weather they are battling up there!

The Autumn 2017 National Wild Pollinator Count ends Sunday April 16th. So if you haven’t done a count yet, there’s still time! You can conduct a 10 minute observation of any flowering plant, anywhere in Australia, at any time until Sunday evening.

The submission form will remain open until April 23rd to give you time to enter your observation data online. But remember, we can’t accept any observations that were conducted after the 16th.

A results summary of this autumn count will be posted here on the blog at the end of April.

If you missed out on counting this time, don’t worry…the spring 2017 count will run from November 12-19.

See you next time!


Final Countdown!

There’s only one more day to do a Wild Pollinator Count! You can do a 10 minute count until Sunday night, November 20. The submission form will remain open until November 27, to give everyone time to submit observations.

If you took photos of any insects you counted as part of your submission, you can send your photos to us at Or you can share it with us via: our album on Flickr; by joining our Wild Pollinator Count project in Bowerbird; or by adding our hashtag #OzPollinators to your tweet on Twitter.

Thanks for joining in our Spring 2016 Wild Pollinator Count! Our data managers will post a summary of the results by mid-December.

Our next count will be in autumn 2017, from 9-16 April.

A hover fly (top) and a drone fly (bottom) share a blossom. Both these flies belong to the same taxonomic family.